Downtime on a lazy Sunday

Posted: February 7, 2016 in My World in 4D

There is something rather calming about just waking up late in the day, sipping a hot cup of coffee and lounging lazily on my day bed. The little things can truly be quite remarkable if you allow it.

The tediousness of life comes to a complete halt in my little space. I can just be in my shorts and nighties, hair unruly from a just woke up fashion and have a grand ball just chilling. Now how can this day not be great?

Work is at the far recesses of my mind. I have watched two movies, Guardians of the Galaxy and Friends with Benefits, and now have a must write-it-down pull thus this blog. I am grateful for this leave. A chance to just re-energize my already depleted and rather battered emotional-psychological-mental battery.

On February 17 I will be back in training. This rather low blow insult had me raging for days. So this off from work allows me this time to be at peace with the idiotic move. I have to be better than just remain snippy and dejected. Apart from that, I need to stop being angry at those who connived against me. There is a comeuppance to every dastardly deed so I need to allow fate to do its job.

For now I take in the bad and blow it out of my system. I look out of my room window, observe the daily grind, hear the cacophony of sounds below and breathe. Just breathe. Life is good. Life will always be this chill.

Thank goodness for the downtime and the java jolt šŸ™‚


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