Posts Tagged ‘thievery’

Some time ago, someone asked me if I am applying anywhere. I replied that yes I am. He asked why I wanted to leave them. I told him that I did what I can already, I had promoted one more agent and there are three in line for regularization.There are far too many signs that can no longer be ignored.

When you start to drag your butt off from bed

Actually dragging off my butt anywhere away from the house is getting to be a big challenge rather regularly. if you are like me, then it may be time to update your resume and surf thru the jobstreet, JobsDB or whatever online job search engine is available in the web. It may not just be because you feel you are stuck in the rut but more of you feel like you are no longer motivated and being in the office just makes you feel sullen. I find it harder when my fave TV show is on (yes, even when I know I can watch a repeat of it on a friendlier schedule) because I cannot tear myself off the couch and get ready for work.

When you feel that nothing gets accomplished

I check my emails. I talk to my agents. I do the usual routine of exchanging pleasantries with my fellow employees then the entire day if there is no meeting nor reports to be done, I just bum around. I would count the number of minutes before I can say, I am out! Got to go. This is day in and day out. It would seem that when I go to work just so I can sit on my butt and browse thru the net. I learn nothing new even when I tell myself to try and learn excel or find out about more on prospecting. I feel I am getting dumber every second and lazier in every sense of the word.

When you are already fed up with office drudgery

I would rather be on leave than be in the office. I would rather stay at home, eating junk foods, working out with Tony than be in the office. I would find myself melancholy on the way to the office. Day in and day out, the same thing happens. My creativity is crushed as there are no outlets being given save for the cluster designs from time to time. It has become so mechanical that I can do my tasks even with my eyes closed. Sometimes it baffles me when for some reason, the same thing does not get ingrained in a lot of people in the office. They do it too every day yet simple processes are lost the next day.

When you complain about everything and anything

The company said they are cost cutting thus lesser toilet paper, yet they would open and keep the lights open in the sleeping area. They can save a lot of electricity just by turning off the lights. The excuse, this prevents thievery. Really? Then how come locker robbing is rampant? The company saves toilet paper so they advise the use of hand dryers and bidets. The very “intelligent” people behind this concept should revisit their idea of “cost cutting.” Honestly, I get to complain each day I go to work. The printer has not been fixed. Table in the pantry is often a mess. The elevator gets used as a service elevator. They think of a company venture and those with lower salaries have to shoulder it. The list has gotten longer and the griping has not stopped. This seemed to be a fave past time lately.

When you begin noticing and hating the very blatant office politics

Positions are made available to those who are closer to the powers that be. Tenure and skills are no longer considered. You bag a position just because you are the favored one. The posts announcements are just for formality. It defeats the purpose of even vying for it, waste of time to even prepare for it. Even the awards for excellence is questionable, they keep it so hush hush that you wonder how did that person even get the award? Like there was a survey by all but somebody else bags it instead of the one who got the most votes. The manipulative powers that be sucker punch those in the lower rung of the ladder in each and every turn. This would have been fine as office politics exist in all companies but to be too blatant can be too unnerving.

When you stop growing

If this was the case as stated above, then all your best work, all your best attempts will just mean remaining in the same place you started in. I no longer see the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. I do what is expected of me but I do not have the motivation to be better. I miss that and I miss the chance of being considered for something because you have the skills and personality to go with it. I have been stagnant for so long that any change scares the hell out of me. But I am not getting any younger, I need to still find my niche under the sun and with only a few years left I must find where my true calling is, where I know I would grow more as a person and be recognized for something I did well.